Science Excursion

For my Term 3 sabbatical, I decided to join the Wildlife Buddies programme, when i heard that Ms Chia my science teacher was one of the teacher in charge :P

Also i found it rather interesting to be able to teach younger children about conservation. At the same time, I myself want to find out more.

Day 1 

On the first day of the programme, we learnt more about what we were going to do on the various days, and used the remaining

time visiting the White Tiger and Australian Outback exhibits.

At the White Tiger enclosure, the guide taught us about facts about white tigers and how and why we must conserve them. 
At the Australian Outback, we learnt about the animals as well as saw the cute kangaroos.

Day 2- Tour around the zoo
On this day, we are to go around the zoo to familiarize ourselves with the surrounding.

Day 3- Childcare Centre

We mixed with the children and interacted with each other. We played with them at the playground. Some of them were chasing us all around the place. We could not run very fast as it would be unfair for them, thus we needed to run slowly. After all it was rather fun.

Day 4- The Trip

We had a nice time bringing the children around the zoo, teaching them about the animals and how to conserve them. Our group was different as because of one of our buddies, Esther, was very inquisitive about the tigers therefore we had to wait longer. Unfortunately it rained and we had to run to a shelter and was therefore strayed away from the others. Mr Neo had to carry her in order to avoid most of the rain. Incredibly we reached the elephant show earlier than the others.

Below are the pictures we had taken: